etched in steel(e) Dr. Suzanne M. Steele — editor analyst scholar writer researcher librettist war artist


Clockwise from top left:

S.M. Steele with Measha Brueggergosman and Jeff Ryan at the TSO performance of our requiem; Colin Ainsworth, Measha, Allyson McHardy, and Brett Polegato at the TSO performance; final bows at premiere of Li Keur, Riel’s Heart of the North;  co-collaborators, fiddler Alex Kusturok and choreographer Yvonne Chartrand ; scenes from Li Keur (including S.M. Steele with the esteemed Maria Campbell, Order of Canada), and cast members of Li Keur (including tenor Scott Rumble, dancer, Jara Wolfe, soprano Julie Lumsden, and mezzo Michelle Lafferty). Other photos include SMS in Mallorca for the Robert Graves conference, in the cockpit of the herc. flying into Kandahar Airfield (KAF) from Camp Mirage; meeting W.O. (ret’d) Phil Quesnel (OSSIS) and General (ret’d)  Roméo Dallaire (former Force Commander UN Assistance Mission Rawanda); on stage, Royal Alberta Museum Theatre, Wage War With Words soldier/soldier family-mentoring project (poet laureate and director, Alice Major); the view from my seat inside of the Light Armoured Vehicle, from the road to war (Wainwright); taking a final bow with composer Jeff Ryan after a performance of our AfghanistanRequiem for a Generation, with Maestro Bramwell Tovey, the VSO, and soloists; Canadian war artists at the National War Museum of Canada; SMS being introduced to the officers after the brigade dinner in the mess, CFB Edmonton; S.M. Steele at the Mallorca Robert Graves Conference.