Creative Projects and Publications (Academic and Other)

- 2024 ‘Nutr Mayzon (Our Home)’. On Site Review Fall 2024 Houses and Housing.
- 2024 Suzanne Steele and Jeffrey Ryan with the Vancouver Symphony, Vancouver Symphony Orchestra, Zorana Sadiq, soprano, Rebecca Hass, mezzosoprano, Colin Ainsworth, tenor
Brett Polegato, baritone, UBC University Singers and Choral Union (Graeme Langager, Chorus Master),Langley Fine Arts School Youth Choir (James Sparks, Chorus Master), and the wondrous Bramwell Tovey, conductor. CD. Afghanistan: Requiem for a Generation. Centredisks. Commercial Release, May 5, 2024. - 2024 ‘Artistic Narrations of Métis history through Peoplehood, Addressing Métis (mis)recognition and Recentering Métis woman‘, with Introduction by Nicole Stonyk. Chapter, in Métis Coming Together: Sharing Our Stories and Knowledges, eds. Laura Forsythe and Jennifer Markides. Peter Lang: Oxford/Berlin/New York.
- 2024 Steele, Suzanne, Porter, Michelle, Apsassin, Dillon, Overacker, Lily, and Monique Giroux. The Red River Jig Family Network: Music-Dance-Story as Métis Re-search Methodology. Pawaatamihk: A Journal of Métis Thinkers.
- 2019-23 Riel’s Heart of the North, dramatic musical with composers Alex Kusturok and Neil Weisensel, Regina Symphony and Manitoba Opera.
- 2018 ‘The Sacred Heart of Sara Riel’. The Prud’homme Library Project. Collaboration with Corinna Wolf-Borgo. A Canada Council New Chapter Project curated by Dr. H. Jessup and Dr. C. Battershill. (pub. Date 2019).
- 2012, 2017 Afghanistan: Requiem for a Generation, Vancouver Symphony Orchestra (Orpheum Theatre, Calgary Philharmonic and Toronto Symphony.
- (2017) Frederick Coates: First World War ‘facial architect’, Journal of War & Culture Studies, 10:1, 7-24, DOI: 10.1080/17526272.2016.1238564
- 2015 Champs de Visions/Field of Visions/Blickfelder, Video/sound installation. L’Historial de la Grande Guerre, Peronne, France. 22 June – 11 November 2015, and The Mary Harris Chapel, University of Exeter, UK. March 2015.
- 2014-15 The Wittgenstein Vector. Installation and publication. Poetry. eXegesis Poetry Collective. Sisters of Invention, San Francisco Book Centre, San Francisco, CA; Worlds in Collision: Visual Art and Wittgenstein’s Philosophy, Exeter, UK, and The Wittgenstein Vector Wall, Exeter, UK.
- 2014 The Road To War With The Patricias. Video/sound installation for the Princess Patricias Canadian Light Infantry Centenary, Calgary, AB, and Edmonton, Alberta; StAnza International Poetry Festival, St. Andrews, Scotland; Exeter, UK, 2014.
- 2013 Decorations by J. Robles. Audio recording/broadcast with J. Robles, Mike Rose-Steel. Broadcast on KUFS in Exile, San Francisco, CA.
- 2013 51 Shades of Black and Blue. Poetry chapbook, live cabaret. eXegesis Press: Exeter, UK.
- 2012 ‘9 liner.’ Desperately Seeking Susans, Fernie, BC: Oolichan Books.
- 2012 Afghanistan: Requiem for a Generation (with Jeff Ryan). Vancouver, BC: Canadian Music Centre.
- 2012 ‘Embed.’ Essay Chapter – 21 pages. Embedded on the Homefront Joan Dixon and Barbara Howard. Calgary, AB: Heritage House Press.
- 2012 Wall of Miracles, international poetry installation. Curated and collaborated with eXegesis: Dr. J. Robles and Mike Rose-Steel. University of Exeter, UK.
- 2011 ‘Suffield Tree’, ‘Suffield Diary.’ Poetry commission. ACS Annual [military training company], Calgary, AB: ACS publishing.
- 2011 ‘Who Who Are You?’ Prose poetry. On Site Review 25 (On Identity). Calgary, AB.
- 2010 ‘Night Before the First Big Op (Panjawaii/2009)’, ‘9 liner’ and Elegy for an Infantryman.’ Poetry. In Arms: Wage War With Words. Alice Major. Edmonton, AB: Edmonton Poetry Festival Society Publication.
- 2010 ‘Elegy for an Infantryman’ and ‘To Young Infantrymen Training for Afghanistan.’ Poetry video. Remembrance Day Video for Nova Scotia Veterans. Earle Thompson, videographer. Victoria, B.C.
- 2009 ‘Snow’. Leaf Press Collaborative Poem. Lantzville, BC: Leaf Press.
- 2009 ‘So Beautiful’, ‘For You at the Shura.’ Poetry. On Site Review 22 (On War), Calgary,
- 2009 ‘So Beautiful’, ‘For You at the Shura’, ’24 hrs.’ Poetry. Journal of Military and Strategic Studies, 12/1. University of Calgary Press: Calgary, AB.
- 2009 Excerpts from May Day: War Letters to a Lover in Afghanistan: ‘Prologue: Recce’; ‘Wednesday, May 14: Poppy Harvest’; ‘Thursday, May 15: MNVGs’; ‘Friday, May 16: Matériel’, and ‘Sunday, May 18: Ramp Ceremony’. Poetry. Dream Catcher, 33. Lincoln, U.K.
- 2009 ‘August Widow’, ‘24 hrs leave’, ‘To Young Infantrymen Training for Afghanistan’, Excerpts from May Day: ‘Friday, May 2: Recce’; ‘Saturday, May 3: Flamenca txts M’, ‘Tuesday; May 13: Mosquito’; ‘Wednesday, May 14: Poppy Harvest’; Thursday, May 15: MNVGs’; ‘Saturday, June 12: Acanthus Leaves’ and ‘Night Watch in the Gun Turret with Sgt. B’/ ‘La Garde de Nuit Dans Latourelle de Mitailleuse avec St. B’, (translation M. Nattras). Poetry. CV2 The Canadian Journal of Poetry and Critical Writing, v. 31/3, Winnipeg, MB.
- 2009 ‘Pilgrimage.’ Poetry. Brownsbank Anthology, Tom Bryan, Linda Cracknell, and Andrew MacCallum. Biggars Museum Trust, South Lankashire Council, Robertson Trust and Glasgow University, Biggar, U.K.
- 2009 ‘Letter From Afghanistan.’ Prose. The Poetry Reader, Scottish Poetry Library, Issue 5, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK.
- 2009 ‘So Beautiful.’ Poetry. The Globe and Mail, 28, 2009. Toronto, Ont., Canada.
- 2008 Excerpt from ‘Elegy for an Infantryman.’ Poetry. The Maple Leaf,11/no. 30, Ottawa, Ont., Canada.
- 2008 ‘August Widow.’ Poetry. Montreal Gazette, Toronto Star, Windsor Star, Regina Post, Calgary Herald, Vancouver Sun, Halifax Chronicle Herald, Victoria Times-Colonist, Ottawa Citizen, Regina Leader Post, Edmonton Journal, Saskatoon StarPhoenix, Nov. 2008 issues.
- 2008 ‘August Widow.’ Poetry. The Outlook. CFB Esquimalt publication, Victoria, BC.
- 2008 ‘Rawan Tander’, ‘Wednesday, May 14: Poppy Harvest’ and ‘Acanthus Leaves.’ Poetry. The Tyee, and Monday Magazine. November 2008. Victoria, BC.
- 2008 ‘To the Firefighters of Kabul.’ Poetry commissioned/published in honour of the Afghan Ambassador to Canada, Omar Samad’s visit, and the visiting fire-fighters from Kabul, Afghanistan. Langford Firefighters,Victoria, BC.
- 2008 ‘Begin The Year’, from The Year. Leaf Press Poem of the Month, 2008
- 2007 ‘Snowshoeing.’ Poetry. The Society (quarterly). St. Peter’s College, SK.
- 2007 ‘Life and Death in the Hebrides.’ Prose. The Toronto Star, 2007
- 2007 ‘Sonicbios.’ LifeIcon. TC Helicon corporate commission. Victoria, BC.
- 1998 ‘Auguri Ella: ‘This is Your First Spring’, ‘Spring’, ‘In the Orchard’, ‘I Remember Thinking in Fall’, ‘They Split Me’, ‘I Have Seen That Other Country’, ‘Trisomy’, ‘I Saw Her Map’, ‘This Moment’, ‘This Razor’, ‘Late August Morning’, ‘In the Hot August Garden’ and ‘This is Your Year.’ Poetry. Threshold six women: six poets, Rona Murray. Victoria, BC: SonoNis Press.